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Please note: The room photos are representative and are not an exact representation of the rooms available. Room colours and layouts may vary.

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Standard En-suite

From €1,099.00 pm


Standard En-suite

Each of our rooms is furnished with everything you need to make your university years an unforgettable experience. We offer you a comfortable environment, in which to feel safe and forge relationships that will accompany you throughout your studies and beyond.

The Standard En-suite is room of 12 square meters approximately furnished with a 135 cm bed, wardrobe with hangers and storage shelves, flat screen TV and a study area with desk and chair. The room is equipped with a practical thermostat to manage heating and cooling. The private bathroom measures approximately 4 square meters and is equipped with a comfortable shower.

What will you find in your room?

- Comfy double bed of 135 cm.
- Desk with study lamp
- Desk chair
- Wardrobe with hangers
- Flat screen tv
- Independent heating and cooling adjustable by thermostat
- Private bathroom with shower

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